Plant based

Healthy Gluten Free Whole Grains

List Of Incredibly Healthy Gluten Free Whole Grains

If you are suffering from intolerance or allergy to wheat, you may be interested in knowing about some gluten-free grains just like the gluten free milk . These grains have been integral to our traditional daily diets for many years. Our ancestors used to have them as a prime portion of their diet. But times change, and so do our preferences that shift to unhealthy refined flour.

Many people suffer from celiac disease and bowel problems due to the excessive use of unfermented wheat in processed foods. But now, these gluten-free grains are becoming popular again.


Have a look at the best gluten-free whole grains:


This staple food has been around for 8,000 years. Nutrient-rich in iron, protein and calcium imparts a nutty or malty taste. You can even pop it like popcorn! Amaranth can also be consumed in place of cornstarch when cooked and chilled as a thickening agent for soups, jellies, or sauces.



This grain has its origin in South America. It is a fantastic food for feeding mothers as it stimulates breast milk and makes them healthy. It is rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium, and B vitamins. Quinoa is a good source of protein as well; also, one of the few plant foods considered a complete protein source. While most plant foods lack one or two essential amino acids our body needs, quinoa contains all eight.



An African grain is rich in iron, magnesium, boron, copper, phosphorus and zinc. Being a higher source of protein, it can help promote satiety, reduce cravings, and boost metabolism. It also fulfils a good portion of your daily fibre needs. Fibre is an essential part of the diet and is associated with weight loss, reduced appetite, and improved regularity.



Millet is another gluten-free grain from Africa. It is rich in phosphorus, magnesium and manganese; these nutrients protect the heart and repair damaged tissue. Using it in place of potatoes or rice in your favourite recipes is a more brilliant option.



Buckwheat is not a part of wheat at all. Instead, it is actually the rhubarb plant. It can help lower high blood pressure, control your blood sugar and decrease your risk of diabetes. It has traditionally been used to make pancakes. 



Rice is one of the staple parts of Indian cuisine for years. Wild rice is consumed by most Native Americans, while brown rice originated in Asia. Brown rice is the whole rice kernel. White rice is brown rice stripped and polished of its nutrient-dense covering. Brown rice is rich in B vitamins, even the highest percentage of all grains. To neutralize phytic acid, a rich broth should be soaked overnight or steamed for a few hours.



Sorghum is generally cultivated as both a cereal grain and animal feed. This gluten-free grain comprises beneficial plant compounds that act as antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress and lower your risk of chronic disease. Additionally, sorghum is rich in fibre and can assist in slowing the absorption of sugar to keep your blood sugar levels steady.



Maize is, also known as corn, the most popular gluten-free grain worldwide. In addition to being high in fibre, corn is a good source of the carotenoid’s lutein and zeaxanthin. These plant pigments act as antioxidants. It can also be consumed as boiled, grilled, or roasted for a healthy side dish to a well-balanced meal. Enjoy it off the cob, or add it to a salad, soup, or casserole.

Adding gluten-free alternative grains to your diet will add variety and extra B vitamins and aid your digestive system if appropriately prepared.

ALT CO. make use of all these super grains along with the best gluten free milk and brings every item with the assurance of quality and healthiness that these grains provide.

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